motan gmbh

The motan-group
The motan group based in Constance was founded in 1947. As leading provider for sustainable raw material handling, they operate in the areas injection moulding, blow moulding, extrusion and compounding. Innovative, modular system solutions for storage, drying and crystallisation, conveying, dosing, and mixing of raw materials for the plastics manufacturing and processing industries are part of the application orientated product range. Production takes place at different production sites in Germany, India, and China. motan-colortronic distribute their products and system solutions via their regional centres. With over 550 employees currently, a yearly turnover of roughly 117 million euros is achieved. Because of their network and long-standing experience, motan can offer their customers what they really need: Individually tailored solutions with real added value.

Products & Services

motan-colortronic offers peace of mind by delivering individual products or entire systems for all your materials handling needs – from storage, to crystallisation, from drying to blending and dosing, from conveying to control and instrumentation. What’s more, our modular products and systems are designed to work in harmony with one another. And can be combined and integrated in line with your needs


Motan GmbH

Otto-Hahn-Straße 14
61381 Friedrichsdorf

Phone +49 6175 792167


Motan GmbH

Otto-Hahn-Straße 14
61381 Friedrichsdorf

Phone +49 6175 792167
