Lindauer Dornier GmbH

Film from DORNIER is part of current megatrends

Lindauer DORNIER GmbH has been developing and producing film stretching machines since 1955. Today, they account for around a third of all film production lines installed worldwide. The design of the lines is application-specific; the equipment of the machines therefore differs considerably in some cases. What all DORNIER machines and lines have in common is their high quality standard and extremely high reliability.


This megatrend, triggered at the latest by the introduction of the iPhone, continues to boost sales of optically high-purity film. It is produced on DORNIER systems worldwide and is used in flat screens on which Netflix, Amazon and co. are streamed, as well as in the displays of tablets and smartphones.

Energy transition & electromobility

Battery separator film is also produced on film stretching lines from DORNIER. It separates the cathode and anode in electricity storage systems for photovoltaic systems, electric car batteries and smartphone batteries.

Flexible packaging


Lindauer DORNIER GmbH
Rickenbacher Str. 119
88131 Lindau, Germany

Telefon: +49 8382 703 0
Telefax: +49 8382 703 1386

