Smooth-running idler rollers from Dreckshage

August Dreckshage GmbH & Co. KG

With our EconomicRoll® product, we supply our customers with precise smooth-running rollers every day. Due to the design and geometry, we achieve excellent starting torques with the EconomicRoll®. 

Compared to roller tubes, it also produces better and smaller moments of inertia. The reason for this is the intelligent weight distribution of the mass from the outside to the inside, which is not the case with normal aluminum rollers due to their weight in the outer diameter. 

This weight distribution also enables us to achieve better braking torques. For example, a 50 kg deflection roller made from our EconomicRoll® effectively requires less mass to be braked than a deflection roller made from an aluminum tube, which has the full 50 kg in the outer diameter. 

In the event that the smooth running in an application needs to be even more precise or DRECKSHAGE offers tried and tested special solutions. 

In addition to the technical advantages of the EconomicRoll®, the design of the honeycomb profile also offers economic benefits. The EconomicRoll® can be produced faster and more cost-efficiently due to the bearing in the inner tube. This is possible because there is no need to produce and install special bases as with conventional aluminum rolls.