Are you looking to boost productivity, increase flexibility, or improve quality? Retrofitting one or more components of an existing system could be a valuable approach to achieving these new goals.
Retrofitting or upgrading your equipment is often a more cost-effective option than purchasing a brand-new machine to achieve the same results. With years of experience working with hundreds of customers, we've successfully tailored retrofits for Macro lines, as well as lines built by other OEM’s. Macro has always built durable machines with high quality materials, ensuring long- lasting performance. We partner with each customer to make their system achieve new targets.
Macro provides MacroCool Air Rings and the MacroPack series of coextrusion dies designed to enhance productivity and improve gauge uniformity. If you're not achieving the desired quality with your production line, it could be because your current die isn't properly aligned with your raw materials and production settings. Choosing the right die and feed screw can help you effortlessly achieve the quality and efficiency needed to outperform your competitors in the market.
Macro Engineering, a global leader in extrusion technology offers MacroPack coextrusion dies that improve material distribution and allow for better control over layer thickness and uniformity. There is an array of polymers and film applications in the market and Macro can offer a system to run polymers that are a challenge or not possible on a standard system. We recognize that differing market demands and applications make it difficult for one die type to be effective across all sizes and extrusion applications. To address this issue, Macro has tailored its die designs into five main designs:
MacroPack-FP Coextrusion Dies
For dies up to 800mm in diameter. The streamlining of this system offers outstanding transitions and is capable of running problematic resins that are not suited to nested dies. The flow passages of the die are round all the way through to the end of the spirals. Varying metallurgy and oil temperature control of one layer allows customers to run structures not suited to a nested die. The modular design enables the processors to take apart only the layers that need to be cleaned, leaving all the other layers intact; this reduces the downtime for cleaning. This die can be used to produce structures using any barrier material including PA (Nylon), EVOH, PETG and PVdC.
MacroPack CP Coextrusion Dies
It has a bottom-fed configuration for equal extruder centerline height. Die diameters of 200-2400mm for film structures up to 5 layers.
MacroPack TP™ Coextrusion Dies
The revamped design utilizes a proprietary die technology that improves the distribution of each layer, while maintaining its compact design with minimum number of bolts required when taking the die apart. This die design can also provide processors with the capability to create a foamed layer in a skin layer or internal layer in the system.
MacroPack-MPC Coextrusion Dies
The MacroPack features a tapered mandrel design that allows for a self-centering assembly that requires far less bolts than other die types.
MacroPack-ML Coextrusion Dies
For dies up to 25 layers with simplified maintenance and low residence time, Macro supplies the MacroPack-Microlayer coextrusion die.
Macro’s world-class extrusion dies are designed for unparalleled results, ensuring your molten polymer is distributed uniformly for a high-quality output you can trust and enables plastic processors to minimize downtime, waste, and perfect the size and quality of their end products.